Tuesday 11 October 2011

■Butter Rice

Rice – 2 cup
Cumin Seeds – 1 Tsp
 Butter – 3 Tbsp
Whole illaichi 2nos
 2-3 cloves
2 bay leaves
Garlic cloves- 3-4 chopped
Black pepper powder- ½ tsp
black raisins– 1 hand ful ( Optional)
 Coriander Leaves  chopped 1tblsp (optional)
 Salt – to taste
Heat butter in a large vessel. Add whole spices & cumin seeds. Add black raisins & chopped garlic cloves. stir for some time. Add rice & stir for 4-5 min. Add black pepper powder & salt. Add 4 cups of water , cover the lid & let it cook till done. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.
Tasty butter rice are ready. serve hot using your desired curry.

sending this to the Rice event CWS - Rice hoasted by Kaarasaaram

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