Monday 6 August 2012

Partayyy time friends.... Another Award__ The Sunshine Blog Award.

Partayyy time friends.... Another Award- The Sunshine Blog Award.

Hey Everyone,

Finally. Yes, finally all the beautiful things are happening in my life.I am super duper excited!!! I'm on the seventh heaven right now. I have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger award by Ashy of The Zing of My Life do not forget to check out her beautiful blog and her amazing sense of style! Thank You so much dear. You made my week. I know no amount of gratefulness and gratitude can ever be enough.
Thank you so very much  Ashy  for the encouragement and appreciation. :)Pls accept  this as a token of love 4m me..

Over to the award formalities now, 

The Sunshine Blogger Award Rules
1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog page.
2. Answer 10 questions about yourself.
3. Nominate 10 other fabulous bloggers.
4. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.
5. Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

I have nominated the following..

1) Tickling Palates
3) Priya's Versatile Recipes 
5) Sizzling Tastebuds
6) The Mad Scientist's Kitchen!!
7) Sorisha - Cooking at Pragyan's
8)  My Culinary Creations
10) ! Khadija's Creative Mind 

Congrats to all of you and here is my list of questions for you:

  1. What is your dream vacation?
  2. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
  3. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
  4. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
  5. What is your dream job?
  6. What is your favourite time of the day?& why?
  7. What is your favorite movie/tv show right now?
  8. What's your favorite part of blogging?
  9. What do you do to relax? 
  10. How do you keep calm in a very stressful situation?

ashys questions for me :

1) If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go?
There r many amazing places and its so difficult to decide  one ..It would be to Bahama, hawaii, or may be I'll take up an Euro tour- to the romantic city of Paris...

2) whats your memorable moment/fav memory since you became a blogger?
when 1st time i saw my followers increasing & when I got my first blog award....

3) what do you do to relax after a hectic day?
some good music & ofcourse my dairy...:)

4) when are you most alert morning or night?
of course morning time...:(

5) would you rather be by yourself or with lots of people?
   with lots of people
6) your favorite fashion magazine and blog?
 sorryyyy dont kno exactlyy....
7) are you active or quiet/silent person?
very much active

8) how many hours do you spend on blogging in a week?
 Depends on my mood...but more than 15hrs in a week.
9) Pink or black?
without a doubt !!!!my also depnd on my mood..sometimes i like black tooooo...

10) whats your favorite place to shop in this world and why?
JC penny,sears, Forever 21, they have quality stuff @ affordable prices & of course MACYS 

Have a great weekend you all!


  1. thank you soo much Pranati, you are a sweetheart! im flattered :) and thanks for the mention and intro, done fabulously :)
    it was fun reading your answers

  2. oops and i think theres a typo, i guess it would be ashys questions for me (not Marisabel) :))

  3. @ ashy thank u soo much dear for leeting me know... was typo error...hehhehe

  4. Thank you so much for sharing the award. I will post it on my blog soon.. Thank u once again.
